NIVAS Study Day 2017 - March

The 52 Club, London

Mon 13th March, 2017 - Mon 13th March, 2017

‘Ultrasound guided deep vein cannulation to perform apheresis procedures’

This event has now taken place. A feedback report on the day will be published in due course.

The NIVAS Apheresis Study Day took place on 13th March at UCLH’s 52 Club in Gower Street. The morning comprised of presentations from clinicians who routinely use peripheral access for apheresis procedures and tips on ultrasonography. 

The afternoon was dedicated to workshops led by the faculty and gave the delegates hands on experience in ultrasound guided cannulation using the phantom models. There were over 50 delegates registered for the programme and there was lots of positive feedback on the day.

There was also a lot of discussion amongst the delegates about how best to take what they had learnt into their own practice and many ideas were exchanged.

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