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Showing 109-120 of 146 results.


Multimedia tool for infection prevention in ICU – Full Text

"Through a participatory approach, we developed a set of IPC nursing practices for VAP and CLABSI. Implementing a multimedia tool, which encompasses the newly implemented IPC practices, improved compliance with many practices" Bijarania et al (2024).


Pharmacists role during OPAT in Belgian hospitals

"While the adoption of OPAT is increasing among Belgian hospitals, significant opportunities remain for improving the quality of the OPAT organisation and expanding the OPAT-related tasks of Belgian hospital pharmacists" Kaes et al (2025).


PICC catheter material comparison

"Among adults and children who were referred for PICC placement, the risk of device failure due to noninfectious or infectious complications was not lower with hydrophobic or chlorhexidine PICCs than with standard polyurethane PICCs" Ullman et al (2025).


Showering for patients with hemodialysis central venous catheters

"There is variability in personal hygiene recommendations to patients with CVCs, highlighting the need for high quality evidence in this area. A rigorous prospective study examining patient-reported outcomes and CVC-related infections is needed prior to recommending to patients with a CVC that showering is safe" Collins et al (2025).


CLABSI caused by pathogen associated with plants – Full Text

"Pantoea eucrina, a member of the Erwiniaceae family, is a rarely reported human pathogen primarily associated with plants. This study presents a documented case of catheter-related bloodstream infection caused by P. eucrina in a 60-year-old female receiving home parenteral nutrition" Kølle et al (2025).


How to reduce inappropriate use of peripheral IV catheters – Full Text

"The use of peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVCs) contributes to healthcare-associated infections. In 2017, we implemented a multifaceted de-implementation strategy that successfully reduced the inappropriate use of catheters in seven hospitals in the Netherlands (RICAT-1 study). Five years later, we investigated the sustainability of this strategy and the contributing factors" van Horrik et al (2024).


Study recommends targeted educational PICC programs – Full Text

"Therefore, to improve the prevention of PICC-associated bacteremias in patients, our data should encourage local infection prevention teams to implement targeted educational programs to reinforce strict aseptic practices during catheter manipulations and dressing changes" van der Mee-Marquet et al (2025).


PICC UEDVT in hospitalised surgical patients – Full Text

"Our study indicates that surgical inpatients are at greater risk of developing PICC-associated upper limb deep vein thrombosis (ULDVT) compared to medical inpatients, with limited evidence supporting the effectiveness of pharmacological thromboprophylaxis in reducing this risk" Li et al (2024).

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